1000 Blenders for Breast Cancer
1:28 PM Posted by Plane Healthy
Aside from non-melanoma skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women. Breast cancer is the number one cause of cancer death in Hispanic women. It is the second most common cause of cancer death in white, black, Asian/Pacific Islander, and American Indian/Alaska Native women. For more information, visit Cancer among Women.
In 2005 (the most recent year numbers are available)—
· 186,467 women and 1,764 men were diagnosed with breast cancer.*†
· 41,116 women and 375 men died from breast cancer
It is truly scary. How is what we are doing working today? All of the millions and millions of dollars spent and raised for this cause and we have not even made a dent on this horrible disease. Just cancer in general is on the rise. What is going on?
As a passionate health advocate and a Nutritional Cleansing Coach, I really know why this disease is on the rise and we cannot eradicate it. The writing is definitely on the wall. Our food supply is so nutritionally bankrupt and this was actually written about in 1936! Can you imagine what it is like today? On top of that the toxins that we ingest on a daily basis is sick! There are even reports that Jet Fuel is found in mother’s breast milk!
Something truly has to be done. The air we breathe is questionable. And we drink and cook in water that is so full of chlorine, plus hundreds of other toxic chemicals. We just don’t have a fighting chance.
So we get cancer, it is so inevitable if we don’t take a stand now. I am not going to sit here and raise money for a cure without raising awareness about our food supply and our environment which is the cause. I am certainly going to raise awareness and let everyone know that prevention is the best medicine. Educate yourself people!
We simply must become more responsible keepers of our personal and world environment if we want to eradicate this disease!
No amount of chemo or other toxin laden drugs is going to cure cancer. Wouldn’t it have been done by now? Let’s try not to get it in the first place. When you do something or put something in your body. Ask yourself this question. Is this going to kill me? Because if it’s not organic and you are drinking coffee imported from countries where they use pesticides that are actually banned in our country. Or if you are still drinking diet sodas to hydrate yourself when you hear of all the statistics that point to artificial sweeteners causing not only cancer but various other illnesses! Stop the madness!!
I am raising awareness. I am shouting to the world that Proper Nutrition and Cleansing are a must for good health! I am donating $20 for every 30 day Nutritional Program someone orders from me. My goal for the year is to have 1000 blenders going every morning with a delicious breakfast shake that has over 242 nutrients, amino acids and enzymes, with a delivery system that will pack a punch to your cells! Let’s start the day with some nutrition folks so our bodies can do what it is supposed to do. Instead of getting sick!
Joanne Calvacca
9:12 AM Posted by Plane Healthy
Of course I was her favorite being the only girl in her world of sons and grandsons. She was the one who I can go to, to be myself, bask in her world of Chicken Soup, knitting and an endless supply of Barbie Dolls. I remember her teaching me how to knit and letting me comb her hair. I would try out numerous hairstyles on her head. She would walk around all day with 5 pony tails sticking out and tell everyone I made her beautiful! How proud I would be!
I am not sure how old she was when she was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, but I do remember asking her why her bras had built in padding. I remember the scares on her chest as I would watch her dress getting ready for "Bingo Night".
This of course was due to her double mastectomy. I am sure this was a hardship for her because I know she was very young. She passed away some years after that at only 52 years old.Yes, they took her breasts but the cancer had spread and finally took her sweet young life. She never met my brother or sister, she never watched me get married. She was stolen from us.I
n dedication to "Mom" I am joining in this fight against this horrible disease. I have locked arms with many others, together we can educate and raise money to fight this battle.I hope you will join us! This is for you "Mom"!
Joanne Calvacca
Click here to join my fight against Breast Cancer
11:45 AM Posted by Plane Healthy
I am one of those lucky people who come from a big family. My immediate family meaning brothers and sisters is not so big, but then again I certainly wouldn’t say 2 brothers and a sister is a small family. But I certainly have a lot of cousins. I also consider myself lucky to be very close to all of them and I am blessed to be able to call them friends. And with each one, I share a close and very different relationship from the next. The reason for this I’m sure is our parents were close. Sisters, Brothers and Cousins among themselves, they were friends. So growing up, we had the pleasure of spending childhood days amongst each other’s company.
We can pick our friends but we cannot pick our family as the old saying goes. And how lucky am I that I chose to pick my cousins as some of my closest friends.
My fondest memories are big family Sunday dinners, or lazy summer days when we could “sleep over”. I remember trying to sit in on our parents conversations, because there was so much laughter amongst them, we all wanted in on the fun. But we were always shushed away and encouraged to enjoy the company of each other while time permitted. I remember those days in our swimming pools, playing games. My brother Paul being the favorite because he was usually the only boy among all the girl cousins until cousin Philip showed up. The other "boy" cousins still in diapers. Uncles and aunts at the barbecue grill always cooking something up alongside my parents. There were the “older cousins” who I couldn’t wait to be like. I remember asking my mother when I was going to be able to wear a bra like Debbie! And then there were the younger cousins who were always trying to see what we were up to as we locked our bedroom doors, played our music and talked about what we thought was cool.

I am one of those lucky people who come from a big family. My immediate family meaning brothers and sisters is not so big, but then again I certainly wouldn’t say 2 brothers and a sister is a small family. But I certainly have a lot of cousins. I also consider myself lucky to be very close to all of them and I am blessed to be able to call them friends. And with each one, I share a close and very different relationship from the next. The reason for this I’m sure is our parents were close. Sisters, Brothers and Cousins among themselves, they were friends. So growing up, we had the pleasure of spending childhood days amongst each other’s company.
We can pick our friends but we cannot pick our family as the old saying goes. And how lucky am I that I chose to pick my cousins as some of my closest friends.
My fondest memories are big family Sunday dinners, or lazy summer days when we could “sleep over”. I remember trying to sit in on our parents conversations, because there was so much laughter amongst them, we all wanted in on the fun. But we were always shushed away and encouraged to enjoy the company of each other while time permitted. I remember those days in our swimming pools, playing games. My brother Paul being the favorite because he was usually the only boy among all the girl cousins until cousin Philip showed up. The other "boy" cousins still in diapers. Uncles and aunts at the barbecue grill always cooking something up alongside my parents. There were the “older cousins” who I couldn’t wait to be like. I remember asking my mother when I was going to be able to wear a bra like Debbie! And then there were the younger cousins who were always trying to see what we were up to as we locked our bedroom doors, played our music and talked about what we thought was cool.
My cousin Linda made me listen to “Ride Captain Ride” over and over again whenever I came to visit. To this day that song puts a smile on my face as I think of us riding up and down her street on our bikes with the banana seats and the fringe flying in the wind off the handle bars. We were so cool!
I also remember Peggy and me wanting to be “Go Go” dancers in cages at one of our parent’s basement parties! Oh the memories of being children of children in the 60’s.
Never the less, we had each other, through the fist fights, the bloody noses, the laughter and the tears. We had one another. Yes, Susie and I did have a few fist fights and Patty and I will always smile at the name "Sam Caramana".
Now as I gracefully mature in age, (sounds better than getting old) I still have that wonderful relationship with all my cousins. Our laughter is about different things now, like how I brushed my teeth with "Icy Hot" because it looked just like a tube of Crest to my failing eyesight! Or how we found a place that could actually make a strapless bra that will hold up our breasts! But my life is all the richer as we chat about our children. We still dream and desire about our future in the midst of reminisces about our past. We bask in each other’s successes, lend an ear or a shoulder to cry on if need be. And yes, we still fight and bicker about silly things.
But we are family and will always be there to hold each others hands and hold each other up. I thank God everyday for my cousins.
Love Keeps you Healthy!
8:52 AM Posted by Plane Healthy
As I looked up, I noticed a couple at the next table, who were clearly in love, their faces beamed happiness and this showed in their whole demeanor. They noticed us too, because we were the only ones that kissed our waitress, so we were offered to share in their bottle of wine.
In our short conversation with this wonderful couple who we came to know as Vinny and Lorraine, we were allowed a glimpse into their happiness, past and present. You see Vinny and Lorraine were High School sweethearts, and after years of being apart, Vinny saw Lorraine's name on Classmates.com. He wanted to get in touch with his past flame, but since Lorraine was not a member, classmates would not give any information. Rightly so.
But we come to love Vinny's tenacity, he hired a private detective to find her! Well needless to say, after all these years, I'm going to guess 30, they are now a couple.
I love this story, since my husband and I share a similar story, childhood sweethearts finding each other after 25 years. But the point I want to make is this, as I was speaking to the both of them I couldn't help noticing the shimmer in their eyes, their lust for life, and the healthy glow that emitted from both of them.
It is a proven fact that love not only makes you feel good, but it fights disease and lowers stress and helps you live longer.
A study from the University of Pittsburgh found that women in healthy relationships have a much lower risk of heart disease than those in high stress relationships. There also is a study out there that shows that married people live longer, have fewer heart attacks and lower cancer rates less frequently than singles.
Of course good nutrition should always be combined with lots of laughter. John Gray author of "Men are from Mars Women are from Venus" also wrote "The Mars & Venus Diet & Exercise Solution". In his book he explains how to create the Brain Chemistry of Health, Happiness and Lasting Romance through proper Nutrition and Cleansing.
Here's to Vinny and Lorraine, may you live long and prosper!
Joanne Calvacca
Plane Healthy
The Greatest Gift you can give someone is your time.
3:43 AM Posted by Plane Healthy
As I watched the rain pour down I started my morning ritual, feed dogs, load of laundry, clean last night dishes (hate doing them at night), all done before our 8am business call. Then off to yoga, lately its been Physical Therapy due to a back injury. One day I'll hire a landscaper!!
But I knew that that morning my husband, daughter and I were piling in the car to go see a sick aunt that is in a Nursing Home, a good two hour drive away.
My husband and I were fretting because this trip was certainly putting both our businesses on hold, for some reason that day was business busy for both of us, and we were afraid if might cost us some business. As all the excuses of not to go piled in my brain. A thought came to me, actually it was more like a whisper, it said
"The greatest gift of love you can give someone is your time"
This woke me up out of my self absorbed trance. It was Aunt Lindas 75th birthday and we are all she has. And I thought to myself if that was me sitting in a Nursing Home, what if my family couldn't come see me because the floors needed to be washed or the bills needed to be paid, or it was just too far for someone to take the time. I started to cry.
If I was on my death bed (don't get me wrong, Aunt Linda is not) what would I want with me? Certainly not my jewelry, or my things, I would want people, people who I care about, my kids, my friends, my family all around me holding my hand looking into my eyes.
Because love is what life is all about, relationships is what life is all about. God put us here to love.
Well needless to say when we walked into Aunt Lindas room, her face lit up like a Christmas Tree! We surprised her, she could not take her eyes off of my husband and all she wanted to talk about was the time he taught her how to fish. My husband barely remembers this incident, but to Aunt Linda it was one of he happiest times.
The greatest gift we gave to Aunt Linda that day was our time, but really it was the greatest give we gave to ourselves.
Joanne Calvacca
Plane Healthy
A mother is not a person to lean on, but a person to make leaning unnecessary. - Dorothy Fisher
4:26 AM Posted by Plane Healthy
My mom and I are only 20 years apart, she had me when she was just 20 years old in 1958. I remember her telling me stories, how she had me in a baby carriage, but she wasn't aloud to walk into a bar! "Mom, were you really trying to bring me into a bar?" No shes says its just the point! If you think about it back then pregnant and nursing mothers, drank and smoked and it was ok! Sometimes I wonder if it had any affect on me? But then again, I look at some of the youth today and think maybe it really doesn't matter if you drink and smoke while pregnant! Ok, I'm joking!! Of course it matters!
I don't want to take my relationship with my mother for granted. But sometimes I do, and it is at those times that I have to remind myself how lucky I am. I look at other mother daughter relationships and I cant believe that some are not close and even dislike each other. That is sad to me.
We plan together, we laugh together, we fight we cry together. I will cherish her always.
Joanne Calvacca
Plane Healthy
Plane Wealthy
11:36 AM Posted by Plane Healthy
It is by no accident I became a Flight attendant for a major airline. Travel was in my blood, but now I wanted to see and feel more exotic destinations. Russia, Finland, Japan to name a few. How glamorous I would be! Traipsing though the airport with my crisp uniform, handsome pilots standing next to me. Just like a scene right out of the movie “Catch me if you can”.
But reality sunk in fast. The glamour? I would think about it every time someone would hand me a snotty tissue or a dirty diaper while I’m serving them dinner. Or when I would be down on the floor jamming dirty meal trays into a cart, spilling other peoples' dinner on my uniform. The delays, the jetlag, and let’s not forget the smoking flights. All this havoc would miraculously leave my thoughts when I hit my layover destination and have dinner beneath the Eifel Tower or throw a coin into the Trevi Fountain.
But the last wish I had as I was throwing a coin into one of the many fountains of the world was for residual income. I was done; I didn’t want to sacrifice anymore. I wanted to enjoy all this without having to leave my family behind for 3 to 4 days at a time. I didn’t want to wait on the people in the first class seats I wanted to be in the first class seats sipping on the finest wine with my husband right next to me. I didn’t want to trade my time for money anymore. I wanted to give my time to my family and charitable causes. It was starting to take its toll.
Well as we all know from the story above, what you think about you bring about. So it is by no accident I met entrepreneur and Success Guru Drew Berman. Drew introduced me to the world of residual income. Residual income through network marketing is the new paradigm of the 21st century. The only industry that creates the most millionaires. It is because of my relationship with this leader of leaders who has the experience to turn dreams into reality, that my dream is finally coming true. 2010 I will have the financial freedom to travel the beaches of the world with my family and will finally be in that first class seat next to my husband.
Dom Perignon please!
Joanne Calvacca
Plane Healthy