9:12 AM Posted by Plane Healthy

When I was just 14 years old my Grandmother entered the hospital and never came out. To me her name was "Mom", I can remember at just 3 years old hearing my Dad calling her by that name and that was it! She was "Mom" to me and of course all the other grandchildren took my lead.She was my safe haven, my security, all the love in the world meant "Mom" to me.

Of course I was her favorite being the only girl in her world of sons and grandsons. She was the one who I can go to, to be myself, bask in her world of Chicken Soup, knitting and an endless supply of Barbie Dolls. I remember her teaching me how to knit and letting me comb her hair. I would try out numerous hairstyles on her head. She would walk around all day with 5 pony tails sticking out and tell everyone I made her beautiful! How proud I would be!

I am not sure how old she was when she was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, but I do remember asking her why her bras had built in padding. I remember the scares on her chest as I would watch her dress getting ready for "Bingo Night".
This of course was due to her double mastectomy. I am sure this was a hardship for her because I know she was very young. She passed away some years after that at only 52 years old.Yes, they took her breasts but the cancer had spread and finally took her sweet young life. She never met my brother or sister, she never watched me get married. She was stolen from us.I

n dedication to "Mom" I am joining in this fight against this horrible disease. I have locked arms with many others, together we can educate and raise money to fight this battle.I hope you will join us! This is for you "Mom"!

Joanne Calvacca

Click here to join my fight against Breast Cancer


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