1000 Blenders for Breast Cancer

1:28 PM Posted by Plane Healthy

Breast Cancer Statistics

Aside from non-melanoma skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women. Breast cancer is the number one cause of cancer death in Hispanic women. It is the second most common cause of cancer death in white, black, Asian/Pacific Islander, and American Indian/Alaska Native women. For more information, visit Cancer among Women.

In 2005 (the most recent year numbers are available)—
· 186,467 women and 1,764 men were diagnosed with breast cancer.*†
· 41,116 women and 375 men died from breast cancer

It is truly scary. How is what we are doing working today? All of the millions and millions of dollars spent and raised for this cause and we have not even made a dent on this horrible disease. Just cancer in general is on the rise. What is going on?

As a passionate health advocate and a Nutritional Cleansing Coach, I really know why this disease is on the rise and we cannot eradicate it. The writing is definitely on the wall. Our food supply is so nutritionally bankrupt and this was actually written about in 1936! Can you imagine what it is like today? On top of that the toxins that we ingest on a daily basis is sick! There are even reports that Jet Fuel is found in mother’s breast milk!

Something truly has to be done. The air we breathe is questionable. And we drink and cook in water that is so full of chlorine, plus hundreds of other toxic chemicals. We just don’t have a fighting chance.

So we get cancer, it is so inevitable if we don’t take a stand now. I am not going to sit here and raise money for a cure without raising awareness about our food supply and our environment which is the cause. I am certainly going to raise awareness and let everyone know that prevention is the best medicine. Educate yourself people!
We simply must become more responsible keepers of our personal and world environment if we want to eradicate this disease!

No amount of chemo or other toxin laden drugs is going to cure cancer. Wouldn’t it have been done by now? Let’s try not to get it in the first place. When you do something or put something in your body. Ask yourself this question. Is this going to kill me? Because if it’s not organic and you are drinking coffee imported from countries where they use pesticides that are actually banned in our country. Or if you are still drinking diet sodas to hydrate yourself when you hear of all the statistics that point to artificial sweeteners causing not only cancer but various other illnesses! Stop the madness!!

I am raising awareness. I am shouting to the world that Proper Nutrition and Cleansing are a must for good health! I am donating $20 for every 30 day Nutritional Program someone orders from me. My goal for the year is to have 1000 blenders going every morning with a delicious breakfast shake that has over 242 nutrients, amino acids and enzymes, with a delivery system that will pack a punch to your cells! Let’s start the day with some nutrition folks so our bodies can do what it is supposed to do. Instead of getting sick!

Joanne Calvacca


  1. Nashad said...

    NICE!!! I love it!!! Did you just happen to write this today?

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