Plane Wealthy

11:36 AM Posted by Plane Healthy

Since the day I was born I was meant to travel, my dad was the original ,stereo-typical tourist, camera dangling around his neck, map in one hand, my brother and I holding on to the other hand, while my mother was by our side turning heads with her jet black hair and her 1960 style glamour. I loved it, and I couldn’t wait to the following weekend where we would visit places like Howe Caverns, Washington DC or Williamsburg Virginia. But there was always those two weeks a year when we would go for the big vacation. We would all climb into the Gold 1966 Chevrolet for our road trip to Florida! My brother and I fighting in the back seat amongst the pillows, blankets and packed lunches. Our parents threatening to pull over and give us a good smack. And then there was always the games, like counting all the red cars or playing “Slug Bug” We always knew we were half way there when we hit the big tourist attraction “South of the Border” a complete emporium of tourist knick knacks filled with ashtrays, shot glasses and all kinds of doodads.

It is by no accident I became a Flight attendant for a major airline. Travel was in my blood, but now I wanted to see and feel more exotic destinations. Russia, Finland, Japan to name a few. How glamorous I would be! Traipsing though the airport with my crisp uniform, handsome pilots standing next to me. Just like a scene right out of the movie “Catch me if you can”.

But reality sunk in fast. The glamour? I would think about it every time someone would hand me a snotty tissue or a dirty diaper while I’m serving them dinner. Or when I would be down on the floor jamming dirty meal trays into a cart, spilling other peoples' dinner on my uniform. The delays, the jetlag, and let’s not forget the smoking flights. All this havoc would miraculously leave my thoughts when I hit my layover destination and have dinner beneath the Eifel Tower or throw a coin into the Trevi Fountain.

But the last wish I had as I was throwing a coin into one of the many fountains of the world was for residual income. I was done; I didn’t want to sacrifice anymore. I wanted to enjoy all this without having to leave my family behind for 3 to 4 days at a time. I didn’t want to wait on the people in the first class seats I wanted to be in the first class seats sipping on the finest wine with my husband right next to me. I didn’t want to trade my time for money anymore. I wanted to give my time to my family and charitable causes. It was starting to take its toll.

Well as we all know from the story above, what you think about you bring about. So it is by no accident I met entrepreneur and Success Guru Drew Berman. Drew introduced me to the world of residual income. Residual income through network marketing is the new paradigm of the 21st century. The only industry that creates the most millionaires. It is because of my relationship with this leader of leaders who has the experience to turn dreams into reality, that my dream is finally coming true. 2010 I will have the financial freedom to travel the beaches of the world with my family and will finally be in that first class seat next to my husband.

Dom Perignon please!

Joanne Calvacca
Plane Healthy


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